When education is controlled by the state, it should come as no surprise that people are unwilling and unable to question the state, that people conform to state prescribed thought processes, or that people are often prepared to die in order to defend the state.
Kada je obrazovanje kontrolisano od strane države, onda ne treba biti iznenađujuće da ljudi ne žele i nisu u stanju dovoditi državu u pitanje, niti da se ljudi podvrgavaju državom propisanim misaonim procesima, kao i da su ljudi često spremni dati svoje živote za odbranu države.
Daniel Hannan MEP: “Where did we get the idea that big is beautiful? The European Union's foundational doctrine is that the world is conglomerating into these huge blocks and we need to be part of one if we are to be wealthy or successful. But it just doesn't match the evidence. If they were true, then China would be wealthier than Hong Kong, and Indonesia would be wealthier than Brunei, and European Union for that matter would be more successful than Switzerland.” European Parliament, Strasbourg, (3/6/2014). Source: DanHannanMEP YouTube channel.
Daniel Hannan MEP: “Kako smo došli na ideju da je veliko lijepo? Osnivačka doktrina Evropske unije je da se svijet stapa u ove ogromne blokove i da moramo da budemo dio jednoga ako želimo da budemo bogati ili uspješni. Ali to jednostavno ne odgovara pokazateljima. Da je to istina, onda bi Kina bila bogatija od Hong Konga, Indonezija bi bila bogatija od Bruneja, i Evropska unija bi po tom pitanju bila uspješnija od Švajcarske.” Evropski parlament, Strazburg, (3/6/2014). Izvor: DanHannanMEP YouTube kanal.
An excerpt from a 1999 interview with Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman conducted by NTU/F, where Dr Friedman expressed his optimism that “the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of the government” and predicted the rise of cryptocurrencies. Video source: Benjamin Gustaffson YouTube channel.
Izvod iz NTU/F intervjua iz 1999. sa dobitnikom Nobelove nagrade Milton Friedman-om, u kojem je dr Friedman izrazio optimizam da će "internet biti jedan od glavnih snaga za smanjenje uloge države" i predvidio uspon kriptovaluta. Video izvor: Benjamin Gustaffson YouTube kanal.