“This place talks a lot about fundamental rights. And the idea might be novel to some of the countries represented here, given their recent histories. But we had fundamental rights in England, established over centuries. We recently celebrated the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, a key milestone in that process.”
“U ovoj instituciji se mnogo govori o osnovnim pravima. I ta ideja može biti novina za neke od zemalja koje su ovdje zastupljene, s obzirom na njihove nedavne istorije. Ali mi u Engleskoj smo imali osnovna prava, utvrđena tokom vijekova. Nedavno smo proslavili 800. godišnjicu Magne Carte, ključna karika u tom procesu.”
European Student for Liberty is inviting you to the Fourth European Students For Liberty Regional Conference in Belgrade, Serbia! This conference will be co-hosted by the biggest Serbian pro-liberty organization Libertarian Club Libek from Belgrade with support from the local groups of Students For Liberty Serbia.
The conference will be held at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade in Belgrade, Serbia on the 7th of November. This is a great opportunity to hear lectures from some of the most important names in the libertarian movement from the region and the world, to hear talks on political theory as well as the topics that are trending in the last couple of years.
Druga ESFL regionalna konferencija održati ce se 26.septembra u velikom amfiteatru Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu.
Na ovoj konferenciji nekoliko stotina studenata iz BiH, ali i regiona i Europe, će imati priliku slušati, istraživati, ali i otvoreno učestvovati u diskusiju na temu ideja slobode. Druga ESFL konferencija će se baviti temama poput:
- Važnosti ekonomskih sloboda u savremenom svijetu. - Ulozi slobode u očivanju mira. - Ograničena vlada. - Monetarna sloboda i novac. - Promocija ideja slobode u Bosni i Hercegovini. - Razvoj i značaj ESFL pokreta.