
People often ask - What can I do?

People often ask, "What can I do?"

The answer is not so difficult.

Learn how the world works. Challenge the statements and intentions of those who seek to control us behind a facade of democracy and monarchy.

Unite in common purpose and common principle to design, build, document, finance and defend.

Learn. Challenge. Act.



Statement by Julian Assange after Six Months in Ecuadorian Embassy

Thursday December 20th 2012.


Happy Libertarian New Year 2022 – or how libertarianism helped me learn to rejoice during New Year celebrations like all normal people

Oh how I used to hate this time of year, actually this last day of it. Sometimes to the point that my buried in deep thoughts solemn attendance would anger my friends, who normally demanded waves of joy, laughter, jokes, and weirdness during the New Year's celebration from all participants.



Why Lockdowns Offer the Perfect Opportunity to Teach Kids about Liberty and Government

Image Credit: Pixabay

Parents can help children choose freedom over force, and ensure that these lockdowns never, ever happen again.


Author: Kerry McDonald


Original source can be read here.



Carl Sagan - Science and Skepticism

How can we defend ourselves from false or misleading claims that we are told by certain elected officials in their efforts to obtain, retain, or regain power? In the final interview before his death, astrophysicist Carl Sagan talked about his concern for the future when citizens lack the scientific and technological understanding to make informed decisions. Interview with Charlie Rose, 27th of May 1996: Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel.



Milton Friedman - The Four Ways to Spend Money

In his book Free to Choose, Milton Friedman described four ways to spend money.

1. You spend your own money on yourself.

2. You spend your own money on someone else.

3. You spend someone else's money on yourself.

4. You spend someone else's money on someone else.

Source: Free To Choose Network YouTube channel.


Milton Friedman:


If Government Ran a Grocery Store

Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas explains how inefficient and ridiculous public education system is through a hypothetical example of government run grocery stores. Source: Young Americans for Liberty.



Milton Friedman – The Way to Improve Schools

Professor Friedman's recipe for better schools. “What do we really need in schools? We need competition. What we have is a monopoly. And like every monopoly, it is producing a low quality product at a very high cost. The way to improve that is to have competition. To make it possible for parents to have the choice of the schools their children attend.”


Milton Friedman on Educational Vouchers

“The responsibility for educating children is with their parents. And in order to make it a parental matter, you have to have a situation in which the parents a re free to choose the schools their children go to. They aren't now. Today, the schools pick the children. Children are assigned to schools by geography. By where they live. And essentially you've got a school picking its own children. As I said in 1955, take the amount of money that we are now spending on the education, divide it by the number of children, and give that amount of money to each parent.” Excerpts from an interview with Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn on May 22, 2006 in which Milton explains the dynamics involved when parents are empowered to select the best educational option for their children. Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel. Translated by Jadranko Brkic.

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