“Mr. President, I'm minded actually to quote the great American philosopher Murray Rothbard here that the state is an institution of theft writ large. Tax is just about a system where politicians and bureaucrats steal money from their citizens to squander in the most disgraceful manner. This place is no exception.” - Godfrey Bloom
Debate: Action programme for taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020. European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 November 2013.
“Gospodine predsjedavajući, ponukan sam da citiram velikog američkog filozofa Murray Rothbarda koji je rekao: Država je institucija krađe na veliko.” ... “kada ljudi prokuže vaše smicalice, neće proći dugo vremena prije nego što provale u ovu dvoranu i objese vas, i biti će u pravu što će to učiniti.”
Debata: Program akcije za oporezivanje u Evropskoj uniji za period između 2014-2020. Evropski parlament, Strasbourg, 21 Novembar 2013.