EU causing higher energy prices across Europe - David Coburn MEP

“We have had our country polluted with useless German windmills and propellers all over our landscape.” - David Coburn MEP. Joint debate: Energy Union. European Parliament, Strasbourg, 14 December 2015. Source: UKIP MEPs YouTube channel.


David Coburn MEP:

Mr President, the EU Commission plans to revise the emission trading scheme and its allowance system. The EU claims this will distribute available allowances more efficiently. We in UKIP are against the proposal, as we reject the damaging EU ETS system and this revision of it. We believe that the EU Commission should recognize the entire EU project has failed. Causing higher energy prices in all member states. It has caused job losses, plant closures, and a massive outflow of industry and investment to outside EU areas. Especially in my constituency of Scotland, destroying our steel industry. This house has spent too much of its time trying to fix this failing mechanism and has devastating effect on energy prices and the industry of Europe and industrial competitiveness in general. Time to put our people first. Out of the EU. Out of this nonsense. Thank you Mr Chairman.


Thank you very much. Would you accept a blue card from Mr. Turmes. You have the floor.

Claude Turmes MEP:

I think that you say a lot of nonsense here. Especially when you are blaming Europe for the high energy prices in UK. So now listen, because I will state the facts. Prices in UK today 55 Euro per megawatt hour (MW.h). Prices in Scandinavia today 25 Euro per megawatt hour. Scandinavia has five six eight times more renewables and more climate policy than UK. So if there is anybody to blame for the high prices it is London, not Brussels.

David Coburn MEP:

Well Sir, we know you are Green, and in my country, we have had our country polluted with useless German windmills and propellers all over our landscape. They do not provide energy at affordable prices, and they ruin the landscape. We want things that work, not things that do not work. We want to see industry and jobs in our country. You may want to back to the Dark Ages Sir, but not everyone of us wants to live in a cave. Thank you.