John McAffee Perfectly Explains Libertarianism in 2 Minutes

“Libertarianism is grounded in the concept of liberty. But what is liberty? Liberty means that our bodies and or minds belong to ourselves. Liberty is lost when governments decide what is right or wrong regarding what we do to ourselves.”

John Mcafee's explanation of liberty in his opening statement during the Libertarian Presidential Forum moderated by John Stossel on Fox Business Network. Aired on April 1st 2016. at 9 PM Eastern Time on the FOX Business Network. Source: Libertarian Channel YouTube channel.


Mr McAfee:

Libertarianism is grounded in the concept of liberty. But what is liberty? Liberty means that our bodies and or minds belong to ourselves. Liberty is lost when governments decide what is right or wrong regarding what we do to ourselves. Every law that has tried to limit personal liberties and personal freedoms have failed. Governments and countries have criminalized prostitution or homosexuality, legislate what ideas we may teach our children. They have criminalized the consumption of alcohol or other drugs, and what is the result? Our war on drugs has not diminished. The consumption of illegal drugs has merely filled our prisons with non-violent citizens, and created the most powerful and brutal drug cartel in the world. Prohibition did not reduce the consumption of alcohol. It created suffering through punishment, and gave rise to organized crime. And ideas, like evolution, may be offensive to some. But ideas have a life of their own and cannot be extinguished. Liberty, which is personal freedom, cannot be restricted through laws. It can only be unjustly punished as it is expressed, giving rise to suffering throughout society. We are all libertarians on this stage. And you are all libertarians here. I am hoping that this debate tonight will make clear the value of liberty in all things. The fact that liberty, it's very existence depends on privacy, and that it is the foundation of a sane and prosperous society.