individual freedom

Happy Libertarian New Year 2022 – or how libertarianism helped me learn to rejoice during New Year celebrations like all normal people

Oh how I used to hate this time of year, actually this last day of it. Sometimes to the point that my buried in deep thoughts solemn attendance would anger my friends, who normally demanded waves of joy, laughter, jokes, and weirdness during the New Year's celebration from all participants.



Letting Others Be

By Chris Rossini


Liberty is foundational to human life. Right from the get-go, we have the freedom to think whatever we want. We can think things that are happy or sad, exciting or boring, true or untrue. We're each the king of our very own private kingdom of thought.


We uniquely interpret the world to ourselves. Go to a sporting event and when the game is over, you'll find some people jumping with joy, while others are in tears.


It's the same event.


It's just interpreted differently by each free thinking individual.


When The Illusions Are Shattered

By Chris Rossini

Source: Ron Paul Liberty Report

Whenever you see a big government, or worse, a big government that sets out to be an empire, you know that people have messed up -- BIG TIME! The wrong road has been taken.

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