rujna 2013

Ron Manners on his book Heroic Misadventures and advice on how to succeed in life and business

“I tell the young students that this is very important. When they are seeking a career, they produce a cv, a document saying how good they are. All those cv's, all those documents look alike. They come out of the educational system like peas out of a pod. When you are seeking someone for a very key position, you don't really want someone without that spark of individuality. You don't want somebody that's like a pea out of a pod. And it is that little event that happened in their life.”


Ron Manners o knjizi Herojske Promašene Avanture i savjeti o postizanju uspjeha u životu i biznisu

“Kada traže posao oni sastave rezime, dokument koji pokazuje koliko su oni dobri. Sve te njihove biografije, svi ti dokumenti izgledaju slično. Oni dolaze iz obrazovnog sistema nalikujući jedni drugima kao jaje jajetu. Kada ste u potrazi za nekim kandidatom za veoma ključnu poziciju, vi ne želite nekoga ko je bez te iskre individualnosti. Vi ne želite nekoga ko je isti poput svih drugih. I upravo zato je važan taj mali događaj koji se desio u njihovom životu.”


Margaret Thatcher: Socijalisti mrze slobodu

"Gospodine predsjedniče, problem sa Laburističkom partijom je da njima jednostavno ne odgovara sloboda. Socijalisti ne vole da obični ljudi sami biraju, jer postoji šansa da neće birati socijalizam." Ovaj video klip je isječak iz govora Margaret Thatcher na konferenciji Konzervativne stranke, 13 oktobra, 1989.  Video izvor thatcheritescot YouTube kanal.

Preveo Jadranko Brkić


Margaret Thatcher: Socialists Hate Freedom

"Mr President, the trouble with Labour is that they're just not at home with freedom. Socialists don't like ordinary people choosing, for they might not choose socialism." This video clip is an excerpt from Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Party conference speech on 13th Octobber, 1989.  Video source from thatcheritescot YouTube channel.

Translated by Jadranko Brkic


Nigel Farage nudi Barroso-u zahlađujuće novosti

Nigel Farage odgovara na Barroso-v govor o stanju unije. “Možda smo napravili jedan od najvećih i najglupljih kolektivnih grešaka u istoriji tako što toliko brinemo o globalnom zagrijevanju. To možete da preokrenete u narednih sedam ili osam mjeseci. Možete da srušite poreze koji su natureni narodu. Ako to ne uradite, oni će o tome glasati u evropskim izborima naredne godine.” Debata: State of the Union - Statement by the President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso. Evropski Parlament, Strasbourg, 11 Septembar 2013. Izvor: UKIPmeps YouTube kanal.

Preveo Jadranko Brkić


Nigel Farage Offers Barroso Some Cooling News

Nigel Farage responds to Barroso's State of the Union Address. "We may have made one of the biggest stupidest collective mistakes in history by getting so worried about global warming. You can reverse this in the next seven or eight months. You can bring down peoples' taxes. If you don't, they will vote on it in the European elections of next year." Debate: State of the Union - Statement by the President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso. European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 September 2013. Source: UKIPmeps YouTube channel.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic


Nigel Farage Lambasts "Extreme Militarists" During Syria Debate

"Why don't you shut up and listen for a change! You must be-- you really must be the vilest and rudest man in European politics! And you rant on, and the Chair lets you get away with it because you're the former Prime Minister of Belgium! Well, there we are." Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) Group in the European Parliament -

Blue card questions:

- Charles TANNOCK MEP, Conservative Party, ECR Group

- Ioan Mircea PAŞCU MEP, Socialist Group (S&D)

Debate: Situation in Syria

Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 September 2013. Source: UKIPmeps YouTube channel.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic


Nigel Farage pogrđuje "ekstremne EU militariste" tokom debate o Siriji

"O, zašto ne ućutite i slušate jednom za promjenu! Vi morate biti ... Vi ste zasigurno najgori i najdrskiji čovjek u evropskoj politici! Vi i dalje gromoglasno brbljate, a predsjedavajući vam omogućava da sa tim prođete jer ste bivši premijer Belgije! Eto tako stoje stvari." Spiker: Nigel Farage MEP, lider stranke UK Independence Party (UKIP), ko-predsjednik grupe 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) u Evropskom Parlamentu -

Plavi karton pitanja:

- Charles TANNOCK MEP, Conservative Party, ECR Group

- Ioan Mircea PAŞCU MEP, Socialist Group (S&D)

Evropski Parlament, Strasbourg, 11 Septembar 2013. Izvor: UKIPmeps YouTube kanal.

Preveo Jadranko Brkić


Harry Browne on Seven Principles in Selling Libertarian Ideas

Excerpts from the late Harry Browne's radio show on how to be an effective salesman of liberty, aired on January 26th, 2003. Accompanying article: Be an Effective Salesman of Liberty

From Wikipedia: Harry Browne (June 17, 1933 – March 1, 2006) was an American writer, politician, and investment analyst. He was the Libertarian Party's Presidential nominee in the U.S. elections of 1996 and 2000. He is the author of 12 books that in total have sold more than 2 million copies.

Video source from economicsinonelessonYouTube channel.

Translated by Jadranko Brkic


Harry Browne o 7 principa u širenju ideja slobode

Odlomci iz radio show-a Harry Browne-a o tome kako efektivno prodavati ideje slobode, objavljeno 26. januara, 2003. Popratni članak: Be an Effective Salesman of Liberty

Iz Wikipedije: Harry Browne (17. juni, 1933 – 1. mart, 2006) je bio američki pisac, političar, i investicioni analitičar. Bio je predsjednički kandidat Libertarijanske stranke u američkim izborima 1996 i 2000 godine. Autor je 12 knjiga koje su ukupno prodate u preko 2 miliona primjeraka.

Video izvor: economicsinonelesson YouTube kanal.

Preveo Jadranko Brkić

