studenog 2011

Nigel Farage: Kako se usuđujete govoriti Italijanima i Grcima šta da rade!

Lider britanske stranke UK Independence Party i član evropskog parlamenta Nigel Farage izražava gađenje u vezi uspostavljanja marionetskih vlada u italiji i grčkoj od strane evropske unije.  (Evropski Parlament, Novembar 2011)

video preuzet sa straighttothebottom YouTube kanala


Nigel Farage: How dare you tell the Italian and Greek people what to do!

UK Independece Party leader Nigel Farage MEP disgusted at the puppet governments the EU has now implemented in Italy and Greece.  (European Parliament, November 2011)

video taken from straighttothebottom YouTube channel


Milton Friedman: Government's Responsibility to the Poor

What is the government's role when it comes to taking care of the poor and disadvantaged people? Watch how professor Milton Friedman answers this important question during the Q&A session at one of his lectures at Stanford University. This timeless recording was made at around late 1970's.


Milton Friedman: odgovornost države prema siromašnima

Koja je uloga države po pitanju brige o siromašnima? Pogledajte snimak odgovora profesora Milton-a Friedman-a na ovo važno pitanje, dato tokom jedne od lekcija na Stanford Univerzitetu (oko 1979 godine).

