You need to understand that intellectuals are extremely dangerous people. Intellectuals have problems making money. Who is interested in receiving advice while listening to someone’s speech, reading books? Most people have very different interests. They watch TV, get drunk and go in search of girls, and the like. Or they come home tired after work. Demand for the intellectual services of writers, philosophers, economists is very small. So these people were taken under the wing of the state. They all became dependent on the state.
Moramo da shvatimo da su intelektualci izuzetno opasni ljudi. Intelektualci imaju poteškoće sa zarađivanjem novca. Ko je zainteresovan za primanje savjeta, slušanje nečijih govora, čitanje knjiga? Većina ljudi imaju veoma drugačije interese. Oni gledaju TV, alkoholišu se, idu u potragu za djevojkama, i slično. Ili se vrate kući umorni nakon posla. Potražnja za intelektualnim uslugama je veoma mala. Usluge pisaca, filozofa, ekonomista i slično. Dakle, ovi ljudi su završili pod okriljem države. Svi su postali zavisni od države.
Jedna od velikih debata našeg vremena je o tome koliko vašeg novca treba da troši država a koliko novca trebate zadržati da trošite na vašu porodicu. Nemojmo nikada zaboraviti slijedeću temeljnu istinu: država nema izvor novca osim novca kojeg ljudi sami zarađuju. Govor Margaret Thatcher na konferenciji Konzervativne stranke 1983. godine. Izvor: olibourgeoisie YouTube kanal.
One of the great debates of our time is about how much of your money should be spent by the state, and how much you should keep to spend on your family. Let us never forget this fundamental truth: the state has no source of money other than the money people earn themselves. Margaret Thatcher addresses the Conservative Party conference in 1983. Source: olibourgeoisie YouTube channel.