Svi se sjećamo gdje smo bili kada je pao Berlinski zid. Iako se možda činilo da će komunistička vladavina trajati vječno, kada su ljudi zaključili da im je dosta iznenada je pao zid. Tek tako.
Nigel Farage makes an update on Novak Djokovic's Australian Court saga from Belgrade, saying that is the first really big victory against the big state, big victory for freedom of choice. Source: @Nigel_Farage Twitter. 9. January, 2022.
Nigel Farage u Beogradu komentira najnovije vijesti sage Novaka Đokovića u sudskom sporu u Australiji, govoreći da je to prva istinski velika pobjeda protiv velike države i velika pobjeda za slobodu izbora. Izvor: @Nigel_Farage Twitter. 10. januar, 2022.
Oh how I used to hate this time of year, actually this last day of it. Sometimes to the point that my buried in deep thoughts solemn attendance would anger my friends, who normally demanded waves of joy, laughter, jokes, and weirdness during the New Year's celebration from all participants.