Ritualized warfare

Video was made after riots in Vancouver after the 2011. It talks of ritualized warfare in the stands and in front of TV, sadly usual everywhere and always , and of course preparation for a war .
... think for yourselves.
" Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, ' the people ' , and epochs , it is the rule . " - Friedrich Nietzsche

Translated and edited by Savo Gajić
( video at the bottom of the transcript )
transcript :
There is disgraceful "agreement" which "your country"and your culture will offer you. In so much that they'll provide a substitute for self-esteem, self-interest for replacement of your authenticity and self-realization.
One of the replacements is cheering for your bullshit sports team. This is natural. It is a form of gambling with your nervous system, so that if "your" team wins, you are very happy, and if "your" team loses then you are very sad. It's Russian Roulette made ​​up of adrenaline or depression. This comes to you in exchange for control over you, in exchange for your money, of course! Most clubs literally take directly from the "public " pocket or through financing sports stadiums, so it's essentially a fraud, robbery .
People will offer you the costume of lies, this costume of false identity - I'll cheer for the guys in these costumes, not the guys in those costumes... because they're bad and we 're good .
All of these sports are, of course, historically, of course I'm talking about organized sports, public, not the "I love playing squash tennis" (which I really do), but sport in general, has always been sponsored by the state, because it is good preparation for WAR !
Because it teaches you that your local geographic random team is good and geographically remote random team is bad. This is just an exercise for loving " your " " country " before the others, your local rulers over others, that might " free" you in the event they win.
So the sport has historically been a rehearsal for war, which is why it was financed and controlled by the state. So if you end up sacrificing control of their emotions, control their own reactions, to random players of fraud and theft, it is a natural outcome . Then you end up handing yourself to psychology of the crowd, because you essentially lack your own identity .
Your identity is painted on you sa in those funny people who cover their bellies with green, to glorify a club with costume. You sacrifice your own identity; Sacrifice your reality; Sacrifice yourself, what you are as a human being, in order to get a crumb from the big brand, overblown players who are paid through violence against you and your pocket . And so the result is not really surprising.
It is tragic and it just shows how much we still have to go as a species... to the time where people will not like sad small fishes swallow the bait of false identities, with a hook of social control over others and the loss of control over their emotions. At some point, people will stop doing it , but that time is not yet even close. Dependence on the results of these sports addictions are very sad and very clear to see .
Video taken from www.freedomainradio.com