Ron Manners

Ron Manners on his book Heroic Misadventures and advice on how to succeed in life and business

“I tell the young students that this is very important. When they are seeking a career, they produce a cv, a document saying how good they are. All those cv's, all those documents look alike. They come out of the educational system like peas out of a pod. When you are seeking someone for a very key position, you don't really want someone without that spark of individuality. You don't want somebody that's like a pea out of a pod. And it is that little event that happened in their life.”


Ron Manners o knjizi Herojske Promašene Avanture i savjeti o postizanju uspjeha u životu i biznisu

“Kada traže posao oni sastave rezime, dokument koji pokazuje koliko su oni dobri. Sve te njihove biografije, svi ti dokumenti izgledaju slično. Oni dolaze iz obrazovnog sistema nalikujući jedni drugima kao jaje jajetu. Kada ste u potrazi za nekim kandidatom za veoma ključnu poziciju, vi ne želite nekoga ko je bez te iskre individualnosti. Vi ne želite nekoga ko je isti poput svih drugih. I upravo zato je važan taj mali događaj koji se desio u njihovom životu.”

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