siječnja 2021

Milton Friedman - Free Market is a Necessary but not a Sufficient Condition for a Free Society

"I think free societies are very rare things, and most societies in most times in human history have not been free. So I don’t know any simple formula to produce a free society. I only know that if you don’t have a market economy you won’t have a free society."  An excerpt from Milton Friedman Speaks video series, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1978.  Source: Common Sense Capitalism YouTube channel.


Milton Friedman - Slobodno tržište je neophodan ali ne i dovoljan uslov za slobodno društvo

“Mislim da su slobodna društva vrlo rijetke stvari. A većina društava u većini vremena u ljudskoj istoriji nisu bila slobodna. Tako da ne znam nijednu jednostavnu formulu za stvaranje slobodnog društva. Znam samo da ako nemate tržišnu ekonomiju nećete imati slobodno društvo.” Isječak iz serijala video lekcija po nazivu Milton Friedman Speaks, u instituciji Hoover, na Stanford univerzitetu, 1978 godine. Izvor: Common Sense Capitalism YouTube kanal.


Why Lockdowns Offer the Perfect Opportunity to Teach Kids about Liberty and Government

Image Credit: Pixabay

Parents can help children choose freedom over force, and ensure that these lockdowns never, ever happen again.


Author: Kerry McDonald


Original source can be read here.



Zašto je zaključavanje savršena prilika da djecu učimo o slobodi i državi

Image Credit: Pixabay

Roditelji mogu pomoći djeci da izaberu slobodu umjesto prisile i osiguraju da se ova zaključavanja više nikada ne ponove.


Autor: Kerry McDonald

Za originalni izvor na engleskom jeziku kliknite ovdje.



Ron Paul About Social Media Censoring

Ron Paul tells RT on censorship of his Ron Paul Institute Facebook page. He also explains how government involvement in regulating social media actually helps social media monopolies maintain their top positions. Ron Paul wants to see more marketplace competition which would make big players such as Facebook and Twitter smaller.





Ron Paul o cenzuri u društvenim medijima

Ron Paul govori na RT Boom Bust o cenzuri Facebook stranice njegovog Ron Paul instituta. On takođe objašnjava uplitanje države u regulaciji društvenih medija zapravo pomaže velikim igračima poput Facebooka i Twittera u održavanju svojih monopolskih pozicija. Ron Paul želi da vidi više tržišne konkurencije u društvenim medijima, što bi monopole učinilo manjima.





Uvijek je neizbježno jedno te isto pitanje: "Kakva bi uloga države trebala biti u civilizovanom društvu?"

Autor: Chris Rossini


Država je sila.


To je sve.


Ona nije Majka Terezija. Ona nije staratelj. Ona nije dobrotvorna organizacija, niti ruka pomoći. Ona nije biznis. Nije dadilja. Ona nije “regulator.”


Ona je sila.



It Always Comes Back To Same Question: "What Should The Role of Government Be In a Civilized Society?"

By Chris Rossini


Government is force.


That's it.


It's not Mother Teresa. It's not a caretaker. It's not a charity, or a helping hand. It's not a business. It's not a nanny. It's not a "regulator."


It's force.



Libertarian Declaration of Unilateral Unconditional Free Trade with United Kingdom in 2021 for the Road to Prosperity in Western Balkans

After four and a half years of wrangling, at the end of 2020 the United Kingdom has finally concluded the Brexit trade agreement with the European Union, and is now - with a few restrictive and binding concessions - finally a free country. Among other things, this means that the United Kingdom can now make trade agreements with the countries of the world as it pleases.


Seizing opportunity instead of expressing contempt

