
Why more libertarians don't run for office?

The following answer by Peter Schiff to question why not run for President, demonstrates conflicting nature of politics and freedom, difficulties libertarians face in participating in political elections, and the value of libertarian political activism in freedom education.


From Peter Schiff's recent Instagram Live Q&A: "Why not Peter for President?"

A lot of people ask me if or when I’m going to run for public office.


Carl Sagan - Science and Skepticism

How can we defend ourselves from false or misleading claims that we are told by certain elected officials in their efforts to obtain, retain, or regain power? In the final interview before his death, astrophysicist Carl Sagan talked about his concern for the future when citizens lack the scientific and technological understanding to make informed decisions. Interview with Charlie Rose, 27th of May 1996: Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel.


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